CoVid-19’s Impact on Teaching

“Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” We aren’t on the front lines, but we are behind the scenes supporting our students, your children, from afar.

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We have two daughters who are school teachers.

One teaches at the middle school I attended in Hannibal, Missouri so many years ago.  The other is a high school teacher in Rockford, Illinois.

After talking to them about the current crisis we find ourselves in, I wondered just how the Coronavirus pandemic is affecting their ability to continue teaching.

I didn’t have to wonder long – I later received a note from our daughter who teaches at the middle school. Continue reading “CoVid-19’s Impact on Teaching”

Tasting California Wines

The tasting/class we attended was called California Uncorked – Napa Valley and Beyond.

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Dixie and I have always enjoyed doing wine tastings.  We have a nice little wine bar very close to our house that we go to quite often and we have visited many of the wineries within driving distance of our home including those on the Shawnee Wine Trail in southern Illinois.

So naturally our bucket list includes visiting the wineries in Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley in California.  While not quite Napa or Sonoma, our latest experience was not only a tasting but also an educational experience on those very wines. Continue reading “Tasting California Wines”

New Use for Old Smart Phones

So while we are all being asked to self quarantine, make some good use of this time, grab an old phone, clear the apps and start taking photos of your photos.

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I’ve found a new use for an old smart phone.

We’ve probably all experienced it.  You upgrade your smart phone and find that you’ll only get a $25 credit, if you’re lucky, on the newest model that can cost you around a thousand bucks.  We have at least four old smart Iphones and even a few other brands in a box – we chose to not take the measly trade in for our upgrades…and no, we didn’t throw them away.  Continue reading “New Use for Old Smart Phones”

LEAP DAY – February 29, 2020

Leap Day 2020

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One of our grandsons recently came to visit us and I had to take him back home on Thursday, February 27, 2020.

On our two and a half hour drive we talked about a lot of things.  He had lots of questions and even some theories of his own about things I, honestly, haven’t given a lot of thought to.

We talked about the “Dark Side of the Moon”.

I told him it was a classic Pink Floyd song and he laughed.  He said, “No, PaPa, the dark side of the moon in the sky.”  I knew what he meant, but was really testing him to see if he knew who the classic rock band, Pink Floyd was.  I was impressed that he did know. Continue reading “LEAP DAY – February 29, 2020”

Revitalize Any Room with These Easy Steps

Brighten-up dark trim and crown molding

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We started painting the outdated trim in our home a few years ago and reached a stopping point until we finally had time just recently to continue.

It can be an overwhelming and time consuming project if not done in phases.  I can’t imagine painting all the trim in our house from beginning to end without taking a break from it. Continue reading “Revitalize Any Room with These Easy Steps”


Palindrome Day February 2/2/2020


February 2, 2020 or 02/02/2020.  And that date backwards is:  02/02/2020.

A lot of twos.  Groundhog Day, Super Bowl Sunday and, much, much more.

So, I’ve examined the number two and its impact on our lives on this the second day of February, 2020.  We’ll start with Ground Hog day.  This year Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow so that would indicate an early spring.  Here in southern Illinois that would seem the case.  It’s in the mid to high sixties today – a great day for a wedding. Continue reading “02/02/2020”